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which RVfpga Board I should buy/我应该买哪个fpga板


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(1) For RVfoga: Computer Architecture and RVfpga: SoC courses

*The current hardware platform is Digilent Nexys A7-100T
*The regular price is $349 (USD) and the special academic price of around $260 (USD) is available on request from Digilent for qualifying academic institutions.
*Most major distributors and Digilent-direct sell this board, including Digi-Key
*Please note that the smaller -50T version is not big enough for the SweRV EH1 core
*The older Digilent Nexys 4 DDR is also fully compatible. Many universities already have this, and used it for the MIPSfpga course in 2015-17

(2) Future Developments
*We will introduce online study courses that use a virtual version of Nexys A7 called “ViDBo”. So no hardware will be needed for this.
- On EdX by in English by end 2022, and iCourse in Chinese in 2023
*We are also producing a version of RVfpga that will use the smaller SweRV EL2 core. This will enable most of the labs to run on the Digilent Basys3 board.
- Many Universities, especially in China, have this board or local equivalents.

*We are evaluating other FPGAs from different manufacturers – but it takes time to convert materials to these designs.
- If universities have ported to different manufacturers of FPGAs we would be pleased to hear from them, and will encourage them to share their experiences.


(1) 对于 《RVfoga:计算机体系结构》和 《RVfpga:SoC 课程》
*当前硬件平台为 Digilent Nexys A7-100T
*在Digilent 迪芝伦上,可以特殊学术价格, 260 美元 (约1,800人民币) 买到
*大多数主要分销商和 Digilent 直销此板,包括 Digi-Key
*请注意,较小的 -50T 版本对于 SweRV EH1 核心不够大
*旧的 Digilent Nexys 4 DDR 也完全兼容。很多大学已经有了这个,并在2015-17的MIPSfpga课程中使用了它
(2) 未来发展
*我们将介绍使用名为“ViDBo”的虚拟版开发板,Nexys A7 的在线学习课程。因此,不需要任何硬件。
2022 年底在 EdX 上提供英文版,2023 年在中文版 iCourse
*我们还生产将使用更小的 SweRV EL2 内核的 RVfpga 版本。这将使大多数实验室能够在 Digilent Basys3 板上运行。
*我们正在评估来自不同制造商的其他 FPGA——但将材料转换为这些设计需要时间。
- 如果大学已经移植到不同的 FPGA 制造商,我们将很高兴收到他们的来信,并鼓励他们分享他们的经验。
This topic was modified 2 years ago by RCWO
