Edge AI: Principles
and Practices
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming our world.
Version 1.0 (first release): May 2022
- Original release of the EAI-PP course using a Pumpkin board as deployment platform (Labs 1-7).
Version 1.1: May 2023
- New deployment platform: BeagleBone AI-64.
- New Academic Versión of the NC-SDK (0.2.2).
- Update all the labs to adapt them to the new environment (software & hardware).
Version 1.2: October 2023
- Migration from NC-SDK Academic to NC-SDK Standard (v2.1).
- New development setup (Docker + Visual Studio).
- GSG and Lab0 have been rewritten.
- Minor changes in Labs 1-7.
- Added Lab 10 (OpenCL).
Version 1.3: December 2023
- Added Labs 8 (Audio) and 9 (NLP).
- Lab 9 also serves as reference of the new TVM workflow.