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[Solved] The version of Vivado used is 2018.3, is that ok?


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The version of Vivado used is 2018.3, is that ok?

Member Admin Registered
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Dear hdzx
A short question with a longer answer:
*Vivado changes regularly. Usually twice a year.
- Some of the changes can be major, such as one we are looking at the moment that affects XSim simulation.
*The recommended version for RVfpga today is Vivado 2019.2 WebPACK
*Is 2018.3 OK?
- It will probably work on most of the lab exercises
- But we have NOT tested with this version
- So if you do use it, please post here which parts worked as described, and which ones do not. It's helpful for everyone. 
*If you don't have time to test each exercise, we recommend using 2019.2 because that is one we used throughout our development and beta-test.
- It's the one we are supporting here.
THanks for being a first-wave RVfpga user!

This post was modified 4 years ago by RCWO

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* Vivado定期更新。 通常每年两次。
*此时此刻推荐的RVfpga版本是Vivado 2019.2 WebPACK

* 2018.3可以吗?
-因此,如果您确实使用它,请在此处发布哪些部件按说明工作,哪些不起作用。 对所有人都有帮助。


RCWO reacted
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@guanyang-heThank you very much for your answer. It is very detailed. Because I downloaded 2018.3 a long time ago, but the file is too big, I plan to try 2018.3 first. I used 2018.3 today, and according to the operation, the timing was not satisfied at last.Faild Timing. I am now using the provided file---RVfpga/src/rvfpga.bit

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@rcwoThank you for your answer, which is very detailed. Since I have downloaded 2018.3 for a long time, and this file is very big, I used 2018.3 first.Today, according to the operation, there was an error in 2018.3 and the timing was not satisfied. Now I am using the RVfpga provided in RVfpga/src/rvfpga.bit

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@hdzx Thank you and good luck! If you have any other question please feel free to post that on the forum.

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@rcwoThank you for your answer, which is very detailed. Since I have downloaded 2018.3 for a long time, and this file is very big, I used 2018.3 first.Today, according to the operation, there was an error in 2018.3 and the timing was not satisfied. Now I am using the RVfpga provided in RVfpga/src/rvfpga.bit
