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Boards vs SweRV Cores Matrix


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Hello, I am investigating existing FPGA boards to run RVfpga labs?

Could you help me to fill the table below to better assess our options?

  SweRV EH1 SweRV EH2 SweRV EL2
Nexys A7-100T Works ? ?
Nexys A7-50T Nope? ? ?
Basys 3 (35T) Nope ? ?

Many thanks


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Hi doganulus,

This is the current status:

   - SweRV EH1:

      * It works on a Nexys A7 100T.

      * We have never tested it on a Nexys A7 50T or a Basys 3. In its current version it would be too tight on these boards (I'm not sure if it would fit in a 50T and it wouldn't fit in a 35T), but we could try to reduce some parts of the SoC and skip the use of the External DDR Memory, and most likely it would fit, at least on the Nexys A7 50T.

   - SweRV EH2: We have not worked with this core.

   - SweRV EL2: It works on all the three boards (A7 100T, 50T and Basys 3), plus a Nexys 4. This implementation uses the 64KB on-chip memory for RAM.

In addition to these, we are working on porting RVfpga to other boards:

   - We are working on an RVfpga version based on SweRV EL2 for the Arty A7 35T board.

   - We plan to port it to boards from other vendors and are evaluating options.

And we are also evaluating using other RISC-V open-source cores, such as OpenHW cores.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or comments, or if you need help with anything related with the RVfpga materials.

Best regards


This post was modified 2 years ago by RCWO

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Posts: 59

Dear @doganulus,
Estimating the fit and actually doing the work are very different amounts of work.
As Dani says, we are looking at options, but it takes time to do different implementations.
Remember, we are only a small team.
So, where we are at right now is:

  SweRV EH1 SweRV EH2 SweRV EL2
Nexys A7-100T YES Not evaluated Should fit easily
Nexys A7-50T Too small Not evaluated Should fit
Basys 3 (35T) Far too small Not evaluated Working on this

Best wishes,

Robert Owen

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As far as I know SweRV EL2: It works on all the three boards (A7 100T, 50T and Basys 3), plus a dordle Nexys 4. This implementation uses the 64KB on-chip memory for RAM.
