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[Sticky] RVfpga: Understanding Computer Architecture v1.1 is now being released


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Dear Professor,

We are pleased to let you know that RVfpga: Understanding Computer Architecture v1.1 is now being released.


Version 1.1 : 8th June 2021 

o Added description of Labs 11-20 in Lab 00.
o Updated SweRVolf version to 0.7.3.
o Updated Verilator version to 4.106.
o Added Boot ROM initialization program.
o Added new Figure 1 and Table 1 in the GSG describing the RVfpga System
o Added a UART exercise to Lab 10.
o Fixed some typos.


Please follow these instructions to download the RVfpga package:

  1. Visit the Imagination University Programme (IUP) Download Resource Page:
  2. Login with your IUP Account. (Please register with IUP if you don't already have an account)
  3. Scroll down to the “RVfpga: Understanding Computer Architecture” section. Choose which language you prefer.
  4. Click on the desired language and then select the “Teaching materials” option in the menu.
  5. View and Agree to the License Agreement, and complete the Intended Use Form.
  6. The IUP Team will receive the download request and approve the request within 72 hours.
  7. Once it is approved, you will receive a separate email with the download link for the RVfpga package.

Best Regards,

IUP & RVfpga Team

mc9 reacted
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Dear all,

Please could you inform how to download the new package?


Prof. Maurilio Coutinho


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Dear Prof. Maurilio,

We have replaced the old link with an updated one. 

Please go to out teaching material download page

Scroll down to the “RVfpga: Understanding Computer Architecture” section. Choose English and you can find the access to download v1.1

Thank you!


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Hi @guanyang-he 

I could now download the teaching material from the link that you provide. When I click on the English RVfpga -> Teaching Material, it changed to the below link and asked log-in. Once I click on Log-in, it changed back to the forum page. If I select Spanish RVfpga-> Teaching Material, it seemed working

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Dear @hoangt1980 

Thank you for your post.

We've cleared the cache and tested the function. Now it should be alright.

If it happens again would you please kindly tell us more about the environment you are using? like OS, browser and version number. Thank you.

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Dear Admin,

I could not work with the link for teaching materials in English.

Can you help me by correcting it again?

Thank you in advance.

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Dear Pham,

Thank you for your post.

We have cleared the temp data from our website back-end. Please try it again.


If you still can't get access to this site, please kindly try to clear cache/cockies of your browser. Chrome for example, you can find it on chrome://settings -> Clear browsing data.

If you still can't load this page after these, please contact [email protected] with your OS, browser and their version number. Thank you.

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@guanyang-he I find it impossible to download the English version. Once I entered that page, I'm logged out.

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Dear King

Are you still having problems? Please contact us on [email protected] and we will investigate further.

In your mail, please include your name and university details so that we can cross-check with your registration.


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@rcwo Clear the cache of my browser, problem solved. Thanks.

RCWO reacted
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Dear team:

The document states that there are 1-10 experiments, but I can't find 6, 8, 10?

Whether lab6/lab8/lab10 are missing in RVfpgav1_1\RVfpga\Labs of

I'm a novice and please help me

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Posts: 95

Dear @sanman,

In those labs we are not providing input source files. However, you can find the documents for those labs at RVfpga\Labs\LabInstructions and the solutions for the proposed exercises at RVfpga\Labs\RVfpgaLabsSolutions\Programs_Solutions.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,

Daniel Chaver
