We have recently released RVfpga v3.0. You can request the new version from this link: https://university.imgtec.com/rvfpga-el2-v3-0-english-downloads-page/ . The new version adds many new things, such as support for the VeeR EL2 core, support for low-cost boards (such as Real Digital’s Boolean and Digilent’s Basys 3), new simulation tools (RVfpga-ViDBo and RVfpga-Pipeline), a Ubuntu 22.04 Virtual Machine with all the tools installed, or support for Catapult SDK, among others.
The Virtual Machine can be obtained from the following two links:
From Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KFnJYq6krB7vYt_AqTB_zTYVmxfATwJF/view?usp=sharing
From Amazon AWS: https://pvr-sdk-live.s3.amazonaws.com/iup/ubuntu-22-RVfpga.ova
Please let us know if you have any question or comment about the new package or the download/installation/use of the Virtual Machine.
Best regards
The Teaching Materials Download request link is here: