Dear Edge-AI community,
Miguel Angel Castillo Martinez (IPN, Mexico), shares the following question with the community:
"Do I need extra hardware for the boards like memory cards or special power supplies?"
The boards do not need additional SD cards to properly work, and can be supplied via a USB-C cable that is not included in the bundle.
The deployment platform recommanded by Edge-AI has an on board eMMC flash memory (8GB).
Therefore, the additional MicroSD cards is optional although the board is assembled a MicroSD interface.
BTW, according the manual, "USB Webcam is optional. The board has been tested with LogiTech C270, C310 and C920 webcam products. Depending on the Webcam’s power requirements, an external USB hub may be necessary."
Let's find new interesting things. 😏
Is there any 3D printable case designed for the Pumpkin Board?
It may help improve the life time of it protecting against accidental shorts, especially in the hands of students.
Thanks in advance.