This thread is for participants in our trial of the "EdgeAI: Principles & Practices" course materials, using Imagination Neural Compute Tools (NC-SDK-AC) and the SEEED Studio/Mediatek i300A Pumpkin Board.
Teachers who wish to participate in this trial are welcome to contact us at [email protected]
- Feedback from the trial will be gathered by individual reports from the evaluation teams to the Authors
- Technical questions/issues will be posted here so that all members of the trial can see the issues and the answers.
Thank you.
How can I get demo boards for the labs?
I have a student who wants to obtain her bachelor's degree using some course contents. I wonder if we can partially reproduce the content to adapt it for a Thesis. If we can, what would be the requirements to do it?
Dear IPN Mexico
We have already notified you directly by e-mail about the sending of some boards.
Dear IPN Mexico
Our fully released teaching materials can be reproduced in other work with our permission.
But for this beta-test trial the rules are different.
These materials will be subject to significant revisions during Q2'22 as a result of the beta-test, before final "production" release mid-year.
So we do not want them to be reproduced at this stage.