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New Simulation Tools


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We have released two new simulation tools that can be used in conjunction with the “RVfpga: Understanding Computer Architecture” course provided by Imagination Technologies. You can download these two new simulators at:

  • RVfpga_ViDBo: It performs a Verilator-based simulation of the RVfpga System and connects it with a Nexys A7 simulated board based on ViDBo that allows you to communicate with some simulated peripherals on the board (at this moment the following peripherals are supported: 16 switches, 16 LEDs, UART, 5 pushbuttons, 8 7-Segment Displays). This new simulation tool is especially useful for RVfpga labs 6-10.
  • RVfpga_PipelineSimulator: It performs a Verilator-based simulation of the RVfpga System that allows you to visualize different signals of the pipeline. This new simulation tool is especially useful for RVfpga labs 11-20.

In case you have any comments or requests, let us know them through this post.


RCWO reacted
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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 20
我们发布了两款新的仿真工具,可以与 Imagination Technologies 提供的“RVfpga:理解计算机架构”课程结合使用。 您可以在以下链接下载这两个新模拟器:
  • RVfpga_ViDBo:它对 RVfpga 系统执行基于 Verilator 的仿真,并将其与基于 ViDBo 的 Nexys A7 模拟板连接,允许您与板上的一些模拟外设进行通信(目前支持以下外设:16 个开关、 16 个 LED、UART、5 个按钮、8 个 7 段显示器)。 这种新的仿真工具对于 RVfpga 实验室 6-10 特别有用。
  • RVfpga_PipelineSimulator:它对 RVfpga 系统执行基于 Verilator 的仿真,使您可以可视化管道的不同信号。 这种新的仿真工具对于 RVfpga 实验室 11-20 特别有用。
