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Notes on Appendix A: Using the Native RISC-V Toolchain and OpenOCD in Ubuntu 18.04


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I followed the procedures of "III. Simulating a program on RVfpga using Verilator" in Appendix A of GSG and I haven't installed PlatformIO.

In step 4, make failed as the Makefile requires env variable TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX to be set as follows:


Please check.

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@ewtang  It is a good question - our thanks to you for studying our materials so carefully - and pointing out this key point..

QUESTION: I followed the procedures of "III. Simulating a program on RVfpga using Verilator" in Appendix A of GSG and I haven't installed PlatformIO:
In step 4, make failed as the Makefile requires env variable TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX to be set as follows: TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=/opt/riscv/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-

ANSWER from RVfpga co-Author Prof D. Chaver-Martinez:
*You are totally right
*Yes, the first line in the makefiles available at RVfpga/examples/AL_Operations/commandLine and RVfpga/examples/LedsSwitches/commandLine should be replaced by the one that you propose:
*Currently shown: TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX ?= ${HOME}/.platformio/packages/toolchain-riscv/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-
*CHANGE to: TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=/opt/riscv/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-

- The current line points to the Toolchain included in PlatformIO and, if you installed PlatformIO previously, the current Makefile should also work.
However, as you point out, the proper way is to reference the RISC-V Toolchain installed natively as explained in "Appendix A - I. Native installation on a Linux Ubuntu OS".

These modifications will be included in v1.1
Thank you for your excellent work with RVfpga.

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问题:我遵循了GSG附录A中的 “III,使用Verilator在RVfpga上模拟程序” 的过程,但我尚未安装PlatformIO:

*是的,应该用您建议的内容替换RVfpga/examples/AL_Operations/commandLine and RVfpga/examples/LedsSwitches/commandLine上的makefile中的第一行:
*当前显示: TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX ?= ${HOME}/.platformio/packages/toolchain-riscv/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-

但是,正如您所指出的那样,正确的方法是引用本地安装的RISC-V工具链,如“附录A-I. Linux Ubuntu OS上的本地安装”中所述。



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Noted with thanks. I enjoy every bit of the tutorial.
This post was modified 3 years ago by ewtang

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This post was modified 3 years ago by ewtang
